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Welcome to my wonderful world of Mandala Stones.

My journey with Mandala Stones began on a beach in New Zealand early 2013.
I had taken some of my mini mandala paintings to photograph them against the grey backdrop of ocean stones. While there, I discovered a few perfectly round stones. They intrigued me, and an idea began to flourish. The mini mandala paintings I held in one hand and the round stones in the other merged together in my mind and inspired me to create something new. At that moment, the idea was born.

A few weeks later in Australia, during a "crafter-noon" with friends, I painted the very first batch of many Mandala Stones to come. I was delighted! These stones had my whole heart. I took a photo, shared it on my Facebook page, and went to bed. The next morning, I saw that my photo had been viewed over 30,000 times! This is the first time my art had gone "viral." I hadn't intended on selling the stones, but because of the interest people showed in them and of the joy I felt while painting them, I added them to my Etsy Shop. 

In April of 2015, an article was written and published online about my mandala stones. To this day, I do not know the original author or how they discovered me. Overnight, I went "viral" again and was seen by millions of people. In time, and many more articles later, I expanded my designs to include constellation stones and pendants created from the tiniest stones I could find. 

It has been a fascinating and humbling experience to see my stones enjoyed by so many people. They are my proof that magical things happen when you let yourself be guided by intuition, inspiration, and joy. Their physical beauty is magnified by the love that I pour into each and every one of them.

Mandala Stone | Elspeth Mclean

How do Stone updates work?

*At the beginning of each month, I will announce the dates and times of my upcoming Stone updates via my website calendar, Facebook page, and directly to my email subscribers. Please note, sale times will be shown in PST - Pacific Standard time. 

* A collective photo of all available pieces will appear on this page for preview 2-3 days before each update. The Stones will not appear in my shop until the moment they are available for sale.

* All stones will become available for purchase all at once (not one at a time as I've listed them in the past).

















Buying tips:

* After you've added a piece in your cart, it's best to checkout right away. My website does not have cart holds. This means until you complete the check out process, a piece is still available for others to choose (even if you've added it to your cart)!

* Paying by direct checkout (entering your credit card information) is the fastest way to ensure a successful transaction. PayPal has been known to cause delays.

If you're not able to purchase a stone this time around, please try again. I believe the right stone is waiting for each person, at the perfect time. 

To be the first to hear about updates, please sign up for my email list located at the bottom of this page!

Mandala Stone Collection | Elspeth Mclean
Colorful Mandala Stones | Elspeth McLean

Next Update- Heart Stones

January 26th @2pm (PST - Vancouver time)


Calendar set to PDT timezone

Preview Photo for Heart Stones

26th January 2pm PST-


Follow my colorful journey on INSTAGRAM @elspethmclean